RitiRAN Workshop - co-located with VTC Fall 2024

First Workshop on Research and Innovation in Testing and Integration for Open Radio Access Networks (RitiRAN) - co-located with VTC Fall 2024

The First Workshop on Research and Innovation in Testing and Integration for Open Radio Access Networks (RitiRAN) brings together researchers from academia, industry, and government focused on advancing the state of the art on testing and integration for Open Radio Access Network (RAN) systems. We solicit papers and demos on new results and techniques aimed at achieving true interoperability in Open RAN networks and systems, including testing of disaggregated RAN components, RAN Intelligent Controllers (RICs), and of data-driven RAN optimization solutions with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).

The workshop represents an opportunity to network and share results across various initiatives in the ‘Open RAN testing’ research and development space, including, but not limited to, the projects that are part of the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund (PWSCIF) and O-RAN ALLIANCE Open Testing and Integration Centers (OTICs) and PlugFests. The technical paper presentations and demos will be interleaved with one or two keynotes/invited talks from thought leaders in industry and academia, and a panel discussion on challenges and lessons learned in establishing Open RAN testing activities in OTICs and beyond. The participants will also be encouraged to contribute hands-on demonstrations in a dedicated session and to share open-source artifacts (software, container images, etc). Selected papers will be invited for a fast-track extended submission to a special issue of Elsevier Computer Networks.

Submit your paper on TrackChair by July 19 (deadline extended and firm)